Briah Timeline - 2006

In early February, with their return to Australia approaching, Zafkiel took Hanael aside and asked him what he and Rafariel were planning to do when Zafkiel and Raziel left. Hanael surprised Zafkiel by saying that he wished to follow them back to Australia; that he was more interested in the company he kept than the location he was in. This was not met with displeasure, though, for Zafkiel had grown very fond of Hanael and had been distressed at the idea of leaving him.
Hanael asked Zafkiel to let him speak to Rafariel, and later approached the boy about it. When Rafariel seemed fretful and unsure, and more worried about being parted from Hanael than anything else, Hanael asked him if he would be interested in joining them in Australia. Although stunned by the idea of this sudden complete upheaval, Rafariel's only real protest was his lack of funds. So Hanael offered to pay his fare, as a gift from a friend. And after a token protest, Rafariel agreed, and seemed very relieved and hopeful at the prospect of moving so far away from the bad men who had been pursuing him.
Hanael asked Zafkiel to let him speak to Rafariel, and later approached the boy about it. When Rafariel seemed fretful and unsure, and more worried about being parted from Hanael than anything else, Hanael asked him if he would be interested in joining them in Australia. Although stunned by the idea of this sudden complete upheaval, Rafariel's only real protest was his lack of funds. So Hanael offered to pay his fare, as a gift from a friend. And after a token protest, Rafariel agreed, and seemed very relieved and hopeful at the prospect of moving so far away from the bad men who had been pursuing him.

Unsurprisingly, Mikael was not very pleased when Zafkiel returned home with not one but two tag-alongs. Zafkiel tried to reassure him that they were only staying for a little while, and after Hanael offered to pay board and food for them both, Mikael seemed somewhat mollified. Zafkiel later tentatively mentioned that perhaps he didn't neccessarily want their stay to be temporary, but that only seemed to get Mikael's hackles up again, so he left the topic alone.
In the meantime, Hanael and Rafariel settled in as best they could. Rafariel stayed in the study where Kael had been, since he had not returned, and Hanael seemed comfortable to sleep on the sofa for now. But no talk yet was made about them finding a place to move to. There was talk, however, about Rafariel's future -- for although Rafariel had not realised that he was now free to do as he pleased with his life, Hanael had. Rafariel's dream was to do music, but due to his stifling family life, he had never expected to get the chance. But Hanael told him about the existence of schools devoted to music, and Rafariel realised that at last he might be able to achieve his dream.
A few weeks later, Zafkiel questioned Gavrael about Kael's whereabouts -- he'd heard from Raziel that both Gavrael and Kael had been staying with Raiden, and he felt uneasy not knowing where Kael was. Unfortunately, Gavrael didn't know either. Apparently, while he and Raiden had been in Japan, Kael had vanished from Raiden's place, leaving only a note. He'd taken all his things from Raiden's place, yet some of his things still remained in the study.. leaving Zafkiel to believe that he would be back.
In the meantime, Hanael and Rafariel settled in as best they could. Rafariel stayed in the study where Kael had been, since he had not returned, and Hanael seemed comfortable to sleep on the sofa for now. But no talk yet was made about them finding a place to move to. There was talk, however, about Rafariel's future -- for although Rafariel had not realised that he was now free to do as he pleased with his life, Hanael had. Rafariel's dream was to do music, but due to his stifling family life, he had never expected to get the chance. But Hanael told him about the existence of schools devoted to music, and Rafariel realised that at last he might be able to achieve his dream.
A few weeks later, Zafkiel questioned Gavrael about Kael's whereabouts -- he'd heard from Raziel that both Gavrael and Kael had been staying with Raiden, and he felt uneasy not knowing where Kael was. Unfortunately, Gavrael didn't know either. Apparently, while he and Raiden had been in Japan, Kael had vanished from Raiden's place, leaving only a note. He'd taken all his things from Raiden's place, yet some of his things still remained in the study.. leaving Zafkiel to believe that he would be back.

In early March, things became even more confusing, when out of the blue a friend of Hanael's named Shikkai arrived unexpectedly at the door. Hanael had seemed to know he was coming, but the others had no idea, and when Zafkiel found out that Hanael expected him to stay with them for several weeks, he was more than a little worried about Mikael's reaction.
Shikkai took Hanael's sofa for sleeping on (which he didn't seem to mind too much -- apparently his previous stop had been a little problematic) while Hanael moved to the smaller spare couch they had for the time being.
Indeed, when Mikael discovered Shikkai's presence, he did not seem impressed, but overall, he seemed to take things with surprisingly good grace. And Shikkai seemed to enjoy the quiet weeks with Hanael, seeing the sights or just comfortably relaxing. When he left to continue his journey, Hanael was sorry to see him go, but glad to have gotten the chance to meet him.
Shikkai took Hanael's sofa for sleeping on (which he didn't seem to mind too much -- apparently his previous stop had been a little problematic) while Hanael moved to the smaller spare couch they had for the time being.
Indeed, when Mikael discovered Shikkai's presence, he did not seem impressed, but overall, he seemed to take things with surprisingly good grace. And Shikkai seemed to enjoy the quiet weeks with Hanael, seeing the sights or just comfortably relaxing. When he left to continue his journey, Hanael was sorry to see him go, but glad to have gotten the chance to meet him.

In April, tired of constantly tripping over someone every time he turned around, Mikael put forth to Zafkiel the concept that their apartment was too small for six people. Zafkiel, saddened and unsure, said he didn't want his friends to leave. The conversation may well have deteriorated, but for a timely intervention from Hanael, who happened to overhear them while walking past.
Hanael suggested that with their combined incomes, they could surely afford to rent a place big enough for all of them to fit with room to spare. Mikael seemed doubtful at first, but when Zafkiel was so obviously delighted by the idea, he agreed to give it a try. And so Zafkiel began house hunting for a place they could all live happily in.
In the meantime, a letter came in the mail for Rafariel.. in which he discovered that he had been accepted to attend the school of music to which he had applied. The rush of excitement that almost overwhelmed him was the first feeling of real excitement he'd ever felt in his life -- for it was the first time that he was doing something that he really wanted to. Before long, he was suited up with a school uniform and attending his first classes.
A few weeks later, after many weeks of trying to find the perfect place, and with much unhelpful advice and suggestions from the others, Zafkiel finally found an old two storey house with spare rooms for them all, as well as enough other rooms to suit them comfortably. And in late May, they finally moved. Zafkiel seemed content at last, and even Mikael seemed to be comfortable with the new living arrangements.
Hanael suggested that with their combined incomes, they could surely afford to rent a place big enough for all of them to fit with room to spare. Mikael seemed doubtful at first, but when Zafkiel was so obviously delighted by the idea, he agreed to give it a try. And so Zafkiel began house hunting for a place they could all live happily in.
In the meantime, a letter came in the mail for Rafariel.. in which he discovered that he had been accepted to attend the school of music to which he had applied. The rush of excitement that almost overwhelmed him was the first feeling of real excitement he'd ever felt in his life -- for it was the first time that he was doing something that he really wanted to. Before long, he was suited up with a school uniform and attending his first classes.
A few weeks later, after many weeks of trying to find the perfect place, and with much unhelpful advice and suggestions from the others, Zafkiel finally found an old two storey house with spare rooms for them all, as well as enough other rooms to suit them comfortably. And in late May, they finally moved. Zafkiel seemed content at last, and even Mikael seemed to be comfortable with the new living arrangements.

In June, something unexpected came up for Hanael, causing him to need to drop everything and leave on a trip. He had very little to say about the whys and wherefores, stating nothing beyond that it was a "business trip" for things that "could not be avoided". Raziel and Gavrael were very curious and spent long hours pondering over what it might be.
Rafariel, meanwhile, was devestated by Hanael's sudden departure, having grown very attached to him and being very unwilling to let him go... especially on a trip that Hanael said would take at least several weeks. And in return, Hanael was concerned about Rafariel being alone, for Rafariel was not making friends at school, and spent most of his spare time by himself. Rafariel promised, at the least, to bug Raziel and Zafkiel more for company, but in the end it was Hanael whom he wanted most to spend his time with.
Rafariel, meanwhile, was devestated by Hanael's sudden departure, having grown very attached to him and being very unwilling to let him go... especially on a trip that Hanael said would take at least several weeks. And in return, Hanael was concerned about Rafariel being alone, for Rafariel was not making friends at school, and spent most of his spare time by himself. Rafariel promised, at the least, to bug Raziel and Zafkiel more for company, but in the end it was Hanael whom he wanted most to spend his time with.

In August, completely out of the blue, Kael turned up at their house, startling the hell out of Zafkiel. He immediately took a shine to Rafariel, who took an immediate dislike to him in return. When asked how on earth he'd found them, Kael started to explain, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Hanael.
Rafariel was overjoyed to see him home at last, but his enthusiasm was somewhat dampened by the realisation that Hanael had come home together with Kael. Hanael stated that they'd met on the way home and that when he'd found out who Kael was, he'd brought him along.
Zafkiel was not pleased by Kael's return, but when pushed he finally agreed that Kael was allowed to stay. However, he demanded that this time Kael would be paying for his own board and food, which Kael seemed only too happy to agree to.
Mikael was thoroughly unpleased to find Kael back again, and wanted him gone, but Zafkiel managed to placate him, especially with the promise that Kael was paying his own way. And so the tension returned to their household; Raziel may have been glad to see Kael back again, but he was about the only one.
Rafariel was overjoyed to see him home at last, but his enthusiasm was somewhat dampened by the realisation that Hanael had come home together with Kael. Hanael stated that they'd met on the way home and that when he'd found out who Kael was, he'd brought him along.
Zafkiel was not pleased by Kael's return, but when pushed he finally agreed that Kael was allowed to stay. However, he demanded that this time Kael would be paying for his own board and food, which Kael seemed only too happy to agree to.
Mikael was thoroughly unpleased to find Kael back again, and wanted him gone, but Zafkiel managed to placate him, especially with the promise that Kael was paying his own way. And so the tension returned to their household; Raziel may have been glad to see Kael back again, but he was about the only one.

Early in September, Hanael had a conversation with Raziel and Gavrael wherein he came to be made aware of what Rafariel was really feeling for him. He'd been blithely thinking that they were just friends, but Raziel made it obvious to him that Rafariel had fallen for him. Unsure of how to deal with this, he tried to broach the subject in a roundabout manner with Rafariel, trying to make him aware that they were just friends, but ultimately he could not bring himself to come out and say it plainly, and so his attempt failed dismally.
Kael overheard the conversation, and put it to Hanael to break it to the boy plainly. When Hanael said that he didn't have the heart, Kael offered an alternate solution: that a third party -- namely, himself -- woo the boy away from Hanael. Although doubting Kael's ultimate intentions for Rafariel, Hanael decided to leave Kael to try his methods, so long as he agreed not to hurt the boy. Kael was, as always, more than agreeable.
Kael overheard the conversation, and put it to Hanael to break it to the boy plainly. When Hanael said that he didn't have the heart, Kael offered an alternate solution: that a third party -- namely, himself -- woo the boy away from Hanael. Although doubting Kael's ultimate intentions for Rafariel, Hanael decided to leave Kael to try his methods, so long as he agreed not to hurt the boy. Kael was, as always, more than agreeable.

Not long after, Kael attempted to woo Rafariel, only to have it backfire horribly on him when his sudden closeness to the boy set him off screaming. His scream brought Hanael and Zafkiel at a run, and Hanael was able to calm him down, but Kael stormed off in a huff when Zafkiel accused him of having done something to the boy. After he'd left, Rafariel apologised, saying that Kael was right, and it was just him.. but he would not say what had happened. Not knowing what to do, Hanael and Zafkiel left the matter alone.
After that, Kael seemed to take a different approach with Rafariel, and opted to antagonise and frustrate the boy with impertinent questions and comments whenever the chance availed him. He became very capable of getting Rafariel riled in a very short period of time. But then just when Rafariel thought he knew what Kael was like.. Kael would turn around and have a proper, serious conversation with him, like a friend would. Rafariel didn't know what to think. All he knew for sure was that Kael was confusing and frustrating.
After that, Kael seemed to take a different approach with Rafariel, and opted to antagonise and frustrate the boy with impertinent questions and comments whenever the chance availed him. He became very capable of getting Rafariel riled in a very short period of time. But then just when Rafariel thought he knew what Kael was like.. Kael would turn around and have a proper, serious conversation with him, like a friend would. Rafariel didn't know what to think. All he knew for sure was that Kael was confusing and frustrating.

In late October, Kael found Rafariel asleep in front of their fireplace, and caught a glimpse of a tattoo on Rafariel's back that no-one had previously known existed. Rafariel was horrified that Kael of all people had seen even a glimpse of it, and seemed terrified that he would tell the others.. but Kael promised to keep it to himself. Rafariel was caught off guard by this rare act of kindness, and then became even more bewildered when he found out Kael was looking for his sketchbook. The same sketchbook Rafariel had found when he'd entered the room to sit down and read... the same sketchbook which contained a sketch of him playing violin, a sketch that made him look... beautiful somehow. He had not expected someone like Kael to be such a skilled artist, so capable of capturing beauty that he himself could not even see. He was hesitant to give the sketch back to Kael; and so Kael took advantage of the opportunity, and gave Rafariel the sketch to keep, in exchange for him agreeing to pose for another sketch.
It was just a week later that Kael had Rafariel sit down and pose for a proper sketch. Rafariel was feeling belligerent at first, but he did as he was told, and he could not feel regret when he saw the beautiful picture that Kael turned out as a result. He wanted to keep it, but Kael demanded he return it, and in their playful jostling over the sketchbook, he suddenly found himself in Kael's embrace; an embrace that had terrified him to the point of screams not so long ago. But Kael handled the situation with grace, and Rafariel found himself further confused and confounded... not only by Kael's ability to be so charming when he wanted, but also by the warmth he had felt being wrapped in Kael's arms.
It was just a week later that Kael had Rafariel sit down and pose for a proper sketch. Rafariel was feeling belligerent at first, but he did as he was told, and he could not feel regret when he saw the beautiful picture that Kael turned out as a result. He wanted to keep it, but Kael demanded he return it, and in their playful jostling over the sketchbook, he suddenly found himself in Kael's embrace; an embrace that had terrified him to the point of screams not so long ago. But Kael handled the situation with grace, and Rafariel found himself further confused and confounded... not only by Kael's ability to be so charming when he wanted, but also by the warmth he had felt being wrapped in Kael's arms.

In mid November, Rafariel invited Hanael, Zafkiel and Raziel to come and see him perform in an end of year concert at his school. All three were delighted by the invitation and only too happy to agree to see him play. And then, almost against his better judgement, he invited Kael along as well. Everything about Kael constantly confused him... and yet at the same time, he couldn't deny the pull he was starting to feel to spend time with Kael.
A brief showdown occurred before the concert itself; for although Zafkiel, Hanael and Raziel had all done their best to dress nicely for the concert, conscious of the impression they would be leaving on Rafariel's peers, Kael had made no effort whatsoever. Or rather, had made an effort to look as inappropriate as possible. However, he refused to get changed, threatening to not attend at all, and so the others let him be.
Rafariel performed beautifully at the concert, sparking a rousing round of applause; and Kael slipped out of the auditorium as soon as he was over, a little shaken by how entranced he'd been, and wondering if he wasn't letting himself get in over his head. But he shook off the feeling, and sought out the backstage area, rescuing Rafariel from the classmates that he didn't get along with -- a rescue that only caused to confuse Rafariel further about what Kael was really like, even though he was grateful for it. And he could only feel more grateful still when the next Monday rolled around, and Kael's rockstar-like appearance became the gossip of his entire school and earned him some kind of proxy 'cool' status.
A brief showdown occurred before the concert itself; for although Zafkiel, Hanael and Raziel had all done their best to dress nicely for the concert, conscious of the impression they would be leaving on Rafariel's peers, Kael had made no effort whatsoever. Or rather, had made an effort to look as inappropriate as possible. However, he refused to get changed, threatening to not attend at all, and so the others let him be.
Rafariel performed beautifully at the concert, sparking a rousing round of applause; and Kael slipped out of the auditorium as soon as he was over, a little shaken by how entranced he'd been, and wondering if he wasn't letting himself get in over his head. But he shook off the feeling, and sought out the backstage area, rescuing Rafariel from the classmates that he didn't get along with -- a rescue that only caused to confuse Rafariel further about what Kael was really like, even though he was grateful for it. And he could only feel more grateful still when the next Monday rolled around, and Kael's rockstar-like appearance became the gossip of his entire school and earned him some kind of proxy 'cool' status.

A few weeks later, Kael woke up to noises in the middle of the night, and found Rafariel wandering around in the hallway. He admitted to having had a nightmare; he was pale, trembling, and obviously scared, and so Kael coaxed him into his room, turned the light on, and wrapped him in a blanket. And whether it was the nightmare, the late hour, or just the warmth of both the blanket and Kael's voice, Rafariel finally admitted just a little of the situation that had brought him to trip over Raziel's feet all those long months earlier. He admitted that he'd gotten mixed up with some bad people, that he'd been stuck with them for many months before he'd been able to escape, and that they had treated him cruelly. He had been dreaming of being stuck with them again, and in response to the almost hysterical edge to his voice, Kael firmly reassured him that he was safe with them, and that they would never let the bad people touch him. When Rafariel seemed to only take some comfort in that, Kael also offered to let him stay in Kael's bed that night -- purely for reassurance, nothing more. He promised not to do anything he shouldn't. And Rafariel couldn't deny that he didn't want to sleep alone; that Kael's presence would be just the reassurance that he needed. With Kael lying next to him, quiet and somehow hauntingly pretty in slumber, Rafariel found it very easy to fall asleep again, and no further nightmares haunted him. He awoke the next morning, grateful all over again for what Kael had done for him... and a thousand times more confused.

It was only a few days later that Rafariel crept into Kael's bedroom again late at night. He wasn't entirely sure what had drawn him there... except that he wanted to be close to Kael again. When Kael awoke and asked him what was wrong, he found the courage to blurt out "can I stay with you tonight?" -- but the startlement on Kael's face made him realise how silly and inappropriate he was being. He apologised quickly and tried to flee... only to have Kael stop him, and tell him he could stay. Confused all over again, he perched on the edge of the bed. Kael's gentle, prodding words somehow made him admit the confusion and yet craving he felt for Kael. And even as he was still apologising and wishing he'd not said a thing, he found Kael's lips pressed against his, Kael's arms wrapped around him. And he realised that this was what he'd wanted all along; this was where he'd wanted to be.
Although he was painfully shy, and painfully afraid, Kael seemed more than capable of overcoming his fears, and breaking down his barriers. From that night onwards, he stayed in Kael's room, and although still uncertain over what sort of relationship they were really having, he felt somehow safe, and content, in a way he hadn't up until then. And for all Kael was moody, persnickity, and infuriating at times, there seemed a contentment, a happiness in his gaze when he looked at Rafariel, that warmed him to the tips of his toes.
Although he was painfully shy, and painfully afraid, Kael seemed more than capable of overcoming his fears, and breaking down his barriers. From that night onwards, he stayed in Kael's room, and although still uncertain over what sort of relationship they were really having, he felt somehow safe, and content, in a way he hadn't up until then. And for all Kael was moody, persnickity, and infuriating at times, there seemed a contentment, a happiness in his gaze when he looked at Rafariel, that warmed him to the tips of his toes.

The honeymoon lasted roughly a week. Then one night, Kael did not come home, and when Rafariel finally fell asleep, it was only out of exhaustion caused by fretting. When he awoke at 6am to find Kael finally home, it was to realise that Kael smelled of alcohol, and sex, and complete indifference to him. The sudden and extreme betrayal sent him fleeing from the room in tears; feeling the fool, feeling that he should have seen it coming all along.
After crying himself out, he sought out Hanael, because he did not know what else to do. But he knew that Hanael had always helped him, and had never betrayed him. And when Hanael gently wrapped arms around his shoulders and asked him what was wrong, he found himself in tears again. Stricken and confused over his feelings, over the warmth and reassurance that Hanael provided, and over a sudden regret that it had been Kael and not Hanael who had returned his feelings, he found himself kissing Hanael. When Hanael gently pushed him away, he felt ten times more the fool, but Hanael, forever the gentlemen, only hugged him tight and promised to try talking to Kael.
After crying himself out, he sought out Hanael, because he did not know what else to do. But he knew that Hanael had always helped him, and had never betrayed him. And when Hanael gently wrapped arms around his shoulders and asked him what was wrong, he found himself in tears again. Stricken and confused over his feelings, over the warmth and reassurance that Hanael provided, and over a sudden regret that it had been Kael and not Hanael who had returned his feelings, he found himself kissing Hanael. When Hanael gently pushed him away, he felt ten times more the fool, but Hanael, forever the gentlemen, only hugged him tight and promised to try talking to Kael.

Hanael's promise to 'talk to' Kael was not quite the talking to that Rafariel was probably expecting. In fact, Kael had the misfortune to be the first person in the household to ever witness Hanael's temper. Hanael was more than a little terrifying when he was angry. And he gave Kael an ultimatum: that either Kael give Rafariel a proper relationship or he, Hanael, would be the one to do so. When Kael tried to counter that Hanael didn't love the boy, Hanael retorted that he cared about him enough to lie to him to make him happy. Faced with the prospect of losing Rafariel permanently to Hanael, and the certainty he felt that there was no chance of winning Rafariel back if Hanael showed the boy even the slightest of romantic affection, Kael finally admitted to his confusion, and the fact that he still wanted Rafariel. Hanael allowed him time to think, but not without a threat that he'd better not dare touch Rafariel again unless he meant it. A threat that Kael felt certain he would carry out.
The resultant few days saw both Kael and Rafariel moping around the house, both of them ever so carefully completely avoiding the other, and neither capable of smiling for anyone. Raziel had never seen Kael mope before, and he couldn't help but be concerned. Heck, he was concerned for both of them... but knowing Kael as well as did, he felt as if it were Kael who was having the more difficult time of it. So he approached him, and tried to his best to help. And for the first time, Kael showed him a side of himself that wasn't brimming with confidence; a side that had uncertainty, and fear, and self-doubt. Raziel took this as a sign of trust, and in return, he offered Kael as much advice as he could, with the hopes that Kael would do the right thing.
The resultant few days saw both Kael and Rafariel moping around the house, both of them ever so carefully completely avoiding the other, and neither capable of smiling for anyone. Raziel had never seen Kael mope before, and he couldn't help but be concerned. Heck, he was concerned for both of them... but knowing Kael as well as did, he felt as if it were Kael who was having the more difficult time of it. So he approached him, and tried to his best to help. And for the first time, Kael showed him a side of himself that wasn't brimming with confidence; a side that had uncertainty, and fear, and self-doubt. Raziel took this as a sign of trust, and in return, he offered Kael as much advice as he could, with the hopes that Kael would do the right thing.

The following day, Kael approached Rafariel. And it seems he was finally ready to be a bit more honest than he had ever been previously; he admitted his faults and failings, but at the same time, admitted his longing for Rafariel, and his desire to be with him, and to make him smile. He promised to try his best, and somehow, Rafariel felt like he was seeing a true side of Kael, that Kael had never shown anyone before. And although he had his misgivings, he couldn't deny that he wanted to be with Kael. And so, he agreed to try again. Only this time, going in with his eyes a little more wide open than before.
It was just a short while after that that Zafkiel, seeing that their on-again-off-again relationship was on again, approached Rafariel to talk. And after he heard from Rafariel about the way that Kael had been, he decided to share a little bit of their past with Rafariel, in the hopes that maybe it would help him understand Kael a little better. He talked of their childhood, and of the time that had seemed to change Kael into the cold-hearted person he was now... and he asked Rafariel to try and change him for the better. And although Rafariel seemed wary and doubtful, he was also full of hope; a hope for the future that made Zafkiel want to cry with gratitude. He still felt guilt for not having been able to help Kael when they were children, but he was sure that ten years too late was better than never at all.
It was just a short while after that that Zafkiel, seeing that their on-again-off-again relationship was on again, approached Rafariel to talk. And after he heard from Rafariel about the way that Kael had been, he decided to share a little bit of their past with Rafariel, in the hopes that maybe it would help him understand Kael a little better. He talked of their childhood, and of the time that had seemed to change Kael into the cold-hearted person he was now... and he asked Rafariel to try and change him for the better. And although Rafariel seemed wary and doubtful, he was also full of hope; a hope for the future that made Zafkiel want to cry with gratitude. He still felt guilt for not having been able to help Kael when they were children, but he was sure that ten years too late was better than never at all.