On September 25th, 2005, Yuzuko and I were lucky enough to participate in Volks' SD Cruise on the Symphony Classica out on Tokyo Bay. It was a two hour cruise with a buffet and drinks, and everyone was asked to bring their "beloved SD" along with them. Only 360 lucky SD fans were drawn from the lottery of all who entered to go on this cruise, so we really felt blessed to be able to participate!

The reception area! This is where we all sat getting ready for the cruise. These aren't great photos as I was sitting down, but I was trying to give an idea of the crowdedness of the place. In front of the windows that you can see sort of in the middle of the pic is the place where everone was registering for their boarding passes. |

Reception area part two. This was quite early on, too -- there were HEAPS more people later than this. |

Reception area part three. Heh, I guess you can't see much, huh? ^^; Okay, I give up! Moving along... |