Kael: Have no fear, I have no interest in going to such a backwater place with you. Zafkiel: It's not a backwater! It's a nice place! Kael: Oh? Are you trying to get me interested in going? Zafkiel: No! Malakhim: (^_^; Don't fight about it. There's no room anyway. |

Kael: | Good. I intend to stay here and make good use of your apartment while you're gone. |
Zafkiel: If you break anything... Kael: Break? I said use, not break. Give me some credit. Zafkiel: No wild parties, either. | |
Kael: | Ho-hum.. if I wanted to have those, I'd go elsewhere and let someone else do all the organising for me. |
Zafkiel: (^_^; |