note: these are outside the storyline, as it were
Sydney, Australia
20/09/2002 - Zafkiel's arrival!
21/09/2002 - Zafkiel's first outing
15/10/2002 - Spring has sprung!
4/11/2002 - Mikael's arrival!
4/11/2002 - A trip outside
24/11/2002 - Fashion show/Picnic
24/11/2002 - SD around the house
29/11/2002 - Half Angel, Half Demon
11/12/2002 - Presents!
6/1/2003 - Kitty Cat
5/2/2003 - Discord
2/3/2003 - Hat Wars
17/1/2004 - To Cage An Elf
25~31/8/2005 - Zafkiel's Trip To The 'Doctor'